PetParasite Prevention

Heartworms, fleas, and ticks are a few parasites that can seriously harm your pet’s health. To stop such epidemics, precautions should be taken all year long.

puppy chubby scratching itch

Pet Parasite Prevention in Fairbanks, AK

Roundworms, whipworms, tapeworms, and heartworms are typical internal parasites. Fleas and ticks are the two most common external parasites. Both internal and exterior parasites should not be present in your pet.

adorable alusky puppy on his back in green grass.

Pet Parasite Prevention

Pet parasites can be a pain for you and your animal companion. In addition to being uncomfortable, they can infect you and your pet with infections. Your pet may have a range of health issues, from respiratory issues to skin and gastrointestinal problems, as a result of parasites. It’s crucial to examine your pet with a veterinarian frequently and to maintain appropriate cleanliness practices to help prevent parasite infections.

At Golden Heart Veterinary Services, we provide a range of services, such as monthly heartworm preventatives and annual immunizations, to help prevent parasites. Additionally, we advise monthly flea and tick preventives for cats and dogs who go outside, as well as routine deworming for all pets. Additionally, we provide annual testing for heartworm and other parasites. By following these instructions, you may contribute to keeping your pet healthy and parasite-free. Contact us right now to learn more about parasite prevention.

Learn more about parasites below:



Fleas are tiny, brown, wingless, and swiftly moving outside insects. The saliva of fleas can cause irritation and further discomfort in some animals allergic to them. Fleas can spread tapeworm, an intestinal parasite if consumed by your pet while grooming themselves. Anemia can result from flea infestations, and fleas can spread dangerous infections.


Ticks are insects that belong to the spider family and can be found living indoors or outside in vegetation, including green meadows, woodlands, bushes, and weeds. While some tick bites only result in minor itchiness or swelling, others can infect your pet with dangerous diseases. These illnesses, like Lyme, can cause more severe health issues or be fatal if neglected.


When an infected mosquito bites your pet, heartworms are spread. Heartworms are parasites that dwell inside the heart and the blood vessels surrounding it. The microfilariae that the adult heartworm creates circulate in the pet's blood. Heartworm infections that are not identified and treated can be fatal. It is advised to undergo a heartworm test once a year.

Veterinary Services Fairbanks, AK

Pet Wellness Exams

Pet Parasite Prevention

Pet Sterilization

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Pet Health Certificates

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General Pet Surgery

Pet Diagnostic Radiology

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